Caregiver Resources
Please remember that knowledge is power! Sex ed is a basic human right. There is no wrong time to start these conversations, so long as we start having them. Alphabet Soup is here to help you provide your children with the best sexuality and relationship education. You are not alone!
Sex Education Offered by Alphabet Soup
Ghost Nightmare (they/them) has been teaching age appropriate sex education since 2008. They have taught groups of adults, homeschooling families of various ages and stages, and families. They offer sex education by grade level or by topic, with the understanding that questions asked during the class will be answered in age appropriate ways, even if they are off topic. Ghost works with homeschool groups, activity groups, adult support groups, etc. as well as work with caregivers and their own kiddos.
Early childhood (ages birth – 5)
In these early years it is important to teach consent, basic anatomy with correct language, & bodily autonomy. Ghost works with caregivers to learn alongside these kiddos, as well as learning this information to take back to the kiddos within this age range. We will work together to practice every day consent and bodily autonomy with examples like hugs, high fives, putting on their outerwear, etc.
Early elementary (grades K-2nd & ages 5-8)
In these years, we work together to learn about healthy relationships, gender identity & expression, personal safety, and continue to build on anatomy, consent, and bodily autonomy.. Ghost again works with caregivers to help guide them, as well as working with kiddos and their safe adults to learn together. We will work together to practice our understanding of previous topics, and build on with our new skill as we start to discuss the ways our bodies have changed already, and what we can expect in the early stages of puberty.
Upper elementary (grades 3rd – 5th & ages 8-11)
Upper Elementary is the average age of the start of puberty. In this age group, Ghost continues to work with caregivers and kiddos as a unit, as well as to guide caregivers. We continue to build on the previous skills, digging deeper on the lessons and understanding, adding on puberty, hygiene, and orientation. We begin to discuss the responsibility of taking care of our health.
Middle School (grades 6th – 8th & ages 11-14)
In this age group, we expand the understanding of all previous topics. We begin to explore sexual health further, focusing on taking responsibility for our health and communicating our needs. We work harder to ensure all misinformation is acknowledged and corrected.
Early High School (9th – 10th & ages 14-16)
We continue to dive deeper into each topic, covering every aspect of the topics we’ve covered thus far. Ghost begins working with groups of youth without their caregivers at this stage. We continue to skill build, as well as fill in any gaps.
Upper High School (11th – 12th & ages 16-18)
Here we dive the deepest, covering and reinforcing every aspect of sexual and relationship education, new and already covered. Ghost typically works with these teens without their caregivers, allowing space for them to ask private questions they might be embarrassed to ask their caregivers. We can also work together with caregivers and teens, as well as guiding caregivers separately.
– It is NEVER too late to learn about relationship and sexual health –
What to teach, & when
Kindergarten – Second Grade (ages 5-8)
- Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Core Concepts
- Describe characteristics of a friend
- Define bodily autonomy and personal boundaries
- Define consent
- Identify different kinds of families
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate how to communicate personal boundaries and show respect for someone else’s personal boundaries
- Explain why it is important to show respect for different kinds of families
- Self-Management
- Identify healthy ways for friends to express feelings both physically and verbally
- Advocacy
- Demonstrate asking a trusted adult when consent and boundaries are not respected
- Core Concepts
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Core Concepts
- List medically accurate names for body parts, including genitals
- Core Concepts
- Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
- Core Concepts
- Understanding that their body will continue to grow and change
- Core Concepts
- Gender Identity & Expression
- Core Concepts
- Define gender, gender identity, and gender role stereotypes
- Discuss the range in which people express their gender and how gender role stereotypes may limit behavior
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Orientation & Identity
- Core Concepts
- Understanding that attraction comes in all forms
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Health
- Core Concepts
- Define reproduction and explain that all living things may have the capacity to reproduce
- Core Concepts
- Interpersonal Violence
- Core Concepts
- Define child sexual abuse and identity behaviors that would be considered child sexual abuse
- Analyzing Influences
- Identity situations that may be uncomfortable or dangerous
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate ways to treat all people with dignity and respect
- Decision Making
- Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for all survivors
- Core Concepts
Third – Fifth Grade (ages 8-11)
- Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Core Concepts
- Describe the characteristics of healthy vs. unhealthy relationships among friends and with family
- Explain the relationship between consent, personal, and bodily autonomy
- Accessing Information
- Identify trusted adults, including parents and caregivers, that students can talk to about relationships
- Interpersonal Communication
- Communicate personal boundaries and demonstrate ways to respect other people’s personal boundaries
- Core Concepts
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Core Concepts
- Recall the human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions, and that there are natural variations in human bodies
- Core Concepts
- Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
- Core Concepts
- Explain the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the onset and progression of puberty can vary
- Describe how puberty prepares human bodies for the potential to reproduce and that some healthy people have conditions that impact the ability to reproduce
- Explain common sexual development and the role of hormones
- Describe the role hormones play in the physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes during adolescence and potential role of hormone blockers on young people who identify as transgender
- Accessing Information
- Identify credible sources of information about puberty and personal hygiene
- Identify trusted adults whom to ask questions about puberty and adolescent health
- Goal Setting
- Make a plan for maintaining personal hygiene during puberty
- Core Concepts
- Gender Identity & Expression
- Core Concepts
- Distinguish between sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ
- Define and explain differences between cisgender, transgender, nonbinary, gender expansive, and gender identity
- Explain that gender expression and gender identity exist on a spectrum
- Describe gender role stereotypes and their potential impact on self and others
- Accessing Information
- Identify trusted adults whom to ask questions about gender, gender role stereotypes, gender identity, and gender expression
- Advocacy
- Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender expressions, and gender identities
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Orientation & Identity
- Core Concepts
- Define sexual orientation
- Differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity
- Accessing Information
- Identify trusted adults whom to ask questions about sexual orientation
- Advocacy
- Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Health
- Core Concepts
- Explain the relationship between sexual intercourse and human reproduction
- Explain the range of ways pregnancy can occur
- Define STIs and STDs, including HIV, and clarify common myths about transmission
- Core Concepts
- Interpersonal Violence
- Core Concepts
- Define child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and domestic violence and explain why they are harmful and their potential impacts
- Interpersonal Communication
- Identify strategies a person could use to call attention to or leave an uncomfortable or dangerous situation
- Explain that some survivors are not believed when they disclose sexual abuse or harassment and that it is important to keep telling trusted adults until one of the adults takes action
- Self-Management
- Describe steps a person can take when they are being or have been sexually abused
- Advocacy
- Demonstrate ways to promote dignity and respect for all people; regardless of their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, differing abilities, immigration status, family configuration, etc.
- Core Concepts
Sixth – Eighth Grade (ages 11-14)
- Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Core Concepts
- Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Describe how power differences may impact relationships
- Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships, romantic relationships, and sexual relationships
- Define sexual consent and sexual agency
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about relationships
- Evaluate the impact of technology and social media on relationships
- Identify factors that can affect the ability to give or perceive consent to sexual activity
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate communication skills that support healthy relationships
- Demonstrate strategies to communicate personal boundaries and how to show respect for the boundaries of others
- Self-Management
- Describe strategies a student can use to end an unhealthy relationship, including involving a trusted adult who can help
- Demonstrate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully
- Core Concepts
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Core Concepts
- Describe human reproductive systems, their function, and that there are natural occurring variations in human bodies
- Core Concepts
- Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
- Analyzing Influences
- Define peer pressure and identify ways to navigate this type of coercive behavior
- Accessing Information
- Define medically accuracy and analyze medically accurate sources of information about puberty, adolescent development, and sexual health
- Analyzing Influences
- Gender Identity & Expression
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about gender, gender identity, gender roles, and gender expression
- Accessing Information
- Access medically accurate sources of information about gender, gender identity, and gender expression
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all gender identities
- Advocacy
- Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender identities, and gender expressions in the school community
- Analyzing Influences
- Sexual Orientation & Identity
- Core Concepts
- Recall the definitions of sexual orientation and explain that most, but not all, people have a sexual orientation
- Define sexual identity and explain a range of identities related to sexual orientations
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectation about sexual orientation
- Accessing Information
- Access credible sources of information about sexual orientation
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all sexual orientations
- Advocacy
- Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations in the school community
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Health
- Core Concepts
- Define vaginal, oral, and anal sex
- Explain there are many methods of short- and long- term contraceptives that are safe and effective and describe how to access them
- List at least four methods of contraception that are available without a prescription
- Describe pregnancy testing, the signs of pregnancy, and pregnancy options, including abortion
- Compare and contrast behaviors to determine the potential risk of pregnancy and/or STI/STD, including HIV, transmission
- Discuss current biomedical approaches to prevent STIs/STDs, including HIV
- Explain medical breakthroughs in HIV prevention and treatment and why HIV can now be considered a chronic condition
- Describe the state and federal laws related to minors’ access to sexual healthcare services, including pregnancy and STI/STD prevention, testing, care, and treatment
- Define racism and intersectionality and describe their impacts on sexual health
- Explain the impact that media, including sexually explicit media, can have on one’s body image and self-esteem
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how alcohol and other substances can influence sexual decision making
- Describe the state and federal laws related to age of consent, minors’ ability to consent to healthcare, confidentiality in healthcare settings, child pornography, sexting, safe haven, and sex trafficking
- Accessing Information
- Identify medically accurate sources of information about STIs/STDs, including HIV, such as local prevention, testing, and treatment resources
- Define prenatal care and identify medically accurate sources of information about prenatal care
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate ways to communicate decisions about whether or when to engage in sexual behaviors and how to reduce or eliminate risks for pregnancy and’or STIs/STDs, including HIV
- Decision Making
- Identify factors that are important in deciding whether and when to engage in sexual behaviors
- Goal Setting
- Develop a plan to eliminate or reduce risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs/STDs, including HIV
- Self-Management
- Describe the steps to using barrier methods correctly
- Core Concepts
- Interpersonal Violence
- Core Concepts
- Define interpersonal and sexual violence and describe their impacts on sexual health
- Explain why a person who has been sexually harassed, abused, or assaulted, or has been victim to or survived incest, rape, domestic violence, or dating violence in never to blame for the actions of the perpetrator
- Describe sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and gender based violence
- Analyzing Influences
- Define strategies that sex traffickers and exploiters employ to recruit youth
- Accessing Information
- Identify community resources and/or other sources of support that students can go to if they are or someone they know is being sexually harassed, abused, assaulted, exploited, or trafficked
- Self-Management
- Describe strategies a person could use, when it is safe to do so, to intervene when someone is being sexually harassed or someone they know is perpetuating unhealthy or coercive behaviors
- Advocacy
- Develop a plan for the school to promote dignity and respect for all survivors
- Core Concepts
Ninth – Tenth Grade (ages 14-16)
- Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Core Concepts
- Compare and contrast characteristics of healthy and unhealthy romantic and/or sexual relationships
- Describe what constitutes sexual consent, its importance, and legal consequences of sexual behavior without consent
- Explain the impact media, including sexually explicit media, can have on one’s perceptions of and expectations for a healthy relationship
- Analyzing Influences
- Evaluate strategies to end an unhealthy relationship, including when situations may require an adult and/or professional support
- Analyze the potentially positive and negative roles of technology and social media on one’s sense of self and within relationships
- Analyze factors that can affect the ability to give and receive consent
- Interpersonal Communication
- Describe effective ways to communicate consent, personal boundaries, and desires as they relate to intimacy, pleasure, and sexual behavior
- Decision Making
- Evaluate a variety of characteristics of romantic and’or sexual relationships and determine which ones are personally most important
- Goal Setting
- Develop a plan to get out of an unsafe or unhealthy relationship
- Self-Management
- Demonstrate ways to show respect for the boundaries of others as they relate to intimacy and sexual behavior
- Core Concepts
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Core Concepts
- Explain the human reproductive and sexual response systems, including differentiating between internal and external body parts and their functions and that there are natural occurring variations in human bodies
- Core Concepts
- Puberty & Adolescent Sexual Development
- Core Concepts
- Describe the cognitive, social, and emotional changes of adolescence and early adulthood
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence self-concept, body image, and self-esteem
- Core Concepts
- Gender Identity & Expression
- Core Concepts
- Differentiate between sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and gender expression
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how media, society, culture, and one’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about gender, gender identity, gender roles, and gender expression
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Orientation & Identity
- Core Concepts
- Differentiate between sexual orientation, sexual behavior, and sexual identity
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and one’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes, beliefs, and expectations about sexual orientation and sexual identity
- Accessing Information
- Access credible sources of information about sexual orientation
- Core Concepts
- Sexual Health
- Core Concepts
- Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of contraceptives and disease prevention methods
- Identify factors that impact the risk of unintended pregnancy and potential transmission of STIs/STDs, including HIV, from a variety of sexual behaviors, including vaginal, oral, and anal sex
- Describe common symptoms, or lack thereof, and treatments for STIs/STDs, including HIV
- List the major milestones of each trimester of fetal development utilizing medically accurate information
- Explain the state and federal laws related to safe haven, parenting, and sterilization, including their impacts on oppressed communities
- Define reproductive justice and explain its history and how it relates to sexual health
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze state and federal laws and guidelines that address sexual healthcare services for minors
- Explain the federal and state laws that prohibit the creation, sharing, and viewing of sexually explicit media by minors, including sexting
- Accessing Information
- Identify medically accurate sources of information about and local services that provide contraceptive methods and pregnancy options, including abortion
- Identify medically accurate sources of information about and local services that provide prevention, testing, care, and treatment of STIs/STDs, including HIV
- Goal Setting
- Describe the steps for how a person living with HIV can remain healthy
- Core Concepts
- Interpersonal Violence
- Core Concepts
- Identify the state and federal laws related to intimate partner and sexual violence
- Describe the types of abuse and the cycle of violence as it relates to sexual abuse, domestic violence, dating violence, and gender based violence
- Explain why a victim or survivor of interpersonal violence, including sexual violence, is never to blame for the actions of the perpetrator
- Explain sex trafficking, including recruitment tactics, that sex traffickers and exploiters use to exploit vulnerabilities and recruit youth
- Accessing Information
- Demonstrate how to access credible sources of information and resources for survivors of interpersonal violence, including sexual violence
- Identify credible resources related to sex trafficking and sexual violence prevention and intervention
- Interpersonal Communication
- Demonstrate ways to support a fellow student who is being sexually harassed or abused, or is perpetuating unhealthy or coercive behaviors
- Identify ways to reduce risk in physical and digital settings related to sex trafficking and other potentially harmful situations
- Core Concepts
Eleventh – Twelfth Grade (ages 16-18)
- Consent & Healthy Relationships
- Core Concepts
- Describe the characteristics of unhealthy relationships that media, including sexually explicit media, may perpetuate
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how media portrayals of healthy and unhealthy relationships impact societal norms about romantic and/or sexual relationships and pleasure
- Analyze cultural and social factors that can influence decisions regarding sexual behaviors
- Describe the potential impacts of power and privilege within romantic or sexual relationships
- Analyze the personal and societal factors that could keep someone from leaving an unhealthy relationship
- Decision Making
- Apply a decision-making model to maintaining a healthy relationship and/or ending an unhealthy relationship
- Self-Management
- Evaluate strategies to use social media safely, legally, and respectfully
- Core Concepts
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Core Concepts
- Describe the human sexual response cycle, including the role of hormones and pleasure
- Core Concepts
- Gender Identity & Expression
- Analyzing Influences
- Explain how support from peers, families, schools, and communities can improve a person’s health and well-being as it relates to gender identity and gender expression
- Advocacy
- Advocate for school and community policies and programs that promote dignity and respect for people of all genders, gender expressions, and gender identities
- Analyzing Influences
- Sexual Orientation & Identity
- Analyzing Influences
- Explain how support from peers, families, schools, and communities can improve a person’s health and well-being as it relates to sexual orientation and sexual identity
- Advocacy
- Advocate for school and community policies and programs that promote dignity and respect for people of all sexual orientations and sexual identities
- Analyzing Influences
- Sexual Health
- Core Concepts
- Evaluate the benefits of biomedical approaches to prevent STIs/STDs , including HIV
- Explain the importance of lowering the viral load of a person living with HIV to undetectable and maintaining viral suppression
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze personal and societal factors that can influence decisions about pregnancy options, including abortion
- Analyze factors that can influence condom use and other safer sex decisions
- Analyze the impact of stigma and conscious and unconscious biases on pregnancy and STI/STD, including HIV, prevention, testing, and treatment
- Analyze state and federal laws related to minors’ ability to give and receive sexual consent and their association with sexually explicit media
- Analyze ways systemic oppression and intersectionality impact the sexual agency of communities of color and other marginalized communities
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes and beliefs about interpersonal and sexual violence
- Core Concepts
- Interpersonal Violence
- Analyzing Influences
- Analyze how peers, family, media, society, culture, and a person’s intersecting identities can influence attitudes and beliefs about interpersonal and sexual violence
- Advocacy
- Advocate for school and community policies that promote safety, respect, and equality to all victims and survivors
- Analyzing Influences
Tips for having “The Talks”
- Start early and build on from the information you have previously given.
- Know that it is better to start “late” than not at all.
- Be clear on what they are asking.
- Ask them to shame what they already know and understand.
- This allows you to correct any disinformation.
- This helps everyone be clear about what they are asking, as well as sets everyone up to build off what they know without any gaps.
- Never assume what they mean.
- Admit when you do not know something.
- Commit to finding the answer.
- Agree to a time to readdress it.
- Never make it up.
- Look for and utilize teachable moments.
- Do not wait for them to come to you with a question.
- If you haven’t started the conversation, they will not come to you with their questions.
- Count on your children hearing misinformation through the game of telephone, and have regular conversations about it.
- Do not shame masturbation.
- Be open-minded; respond, don’t react.
- You set the tone for the message you children will receive around sex.
- Do not assume your child will grow up to be hetero.
- Do not force gender roles.
- Correct and explain slang, and that it is important to know and use proper terminology to be clear about what you mean, especially when talking to medical providers.
- Always use facts, never fear.
- Virginity is a social construct.
- Normal is self-defined.
- “Ready” is subjective and personal.
- Labels give permission, and a sense of belonging.
- Use orientation-neutral language.
- Talk about pleasure.
- Educate all children in the same way, about all aspects of sexual health, regardless of gender, sex, or sexuality.
- Help your child identify other trusted adults to speak with when needed.
Age Appropriate Behavior
From ages 0 to 5 years, children may:
- experience an erection or vaginal lubrication
- touch their genitals for pleasure
- talk openly about their bodies
- be able to say and understand, when taught, the appropriate names of body parts
- feel comfortable about everything – their bodies, other bodies, bodily functions, etc.
- feel sure of their own gender and have the ability to recognize ender presentation
- begin to recognize traditional gender roles
From ages 6 to 8 years, children may:
- recognize the social stigmas and taboos surrounding sexuality
- understand more complex ideas with regard to sexuality and begin to understand intercourse apart from procreation
- look to peer, media, and other sources for info about sex
- understand gender role stereotypes, if presented as such
- may engage in same sex sexual exploration
- have a stronger self conception terms of gender, sexuality, and body image
From ages 9 to 12 years, children may:
- have an emerging sense of self as a young adult
- feel conscious of their sexuality and how they choose to express it
- understand jokes witsexual content
- el concerns about being “normal” such as whether t is normal to masturbate or have wet dreams etc.
- feel anxious about puberty; when it will happen, how it will occur, how to be prepared, etc.
- feel shy about asking questions of caregivers, especially regarding sexuality, and may act like they already know all the answers
- value privacy
From ages 13 to 17, children may:
- understand that they are sexual and understand the options and consequences of sexual expression
- choose to express their sexuality in ways that may or may not include sexual intercourse
- recognize the components of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- have clear understanding of pregnancy and STIs
- have the ability to make reasoned choices about sex based knowledge
- have the capacity to learn about intimate, loving, long-term relationships
- have an understanding of their own sexually orientation
Sex Positive Caregivers:
- Show respect for children
- Shed the shame in oneself
- Teach values
- Value autonomy of children
- Reinforce the importance of consent; beyond “no means no”
- Show love for children
- Realize that every difficult situation is not a crisis
- Practice communication skills
- Model understanding and respect
- Use teachable moments
- Do not expect oneself to have all the answers
- Teach proper terminology for anatomy; including genitals
- Know that the most important part of good communication is listening
- Do not laugh at a child’s question
- Demonstrate self-awareness
- Do not mock questions
- Promote exploration of pleasure
- Do not expect oneself to be perfect
- Admit mistakes
- Understand the valuable lesson in admitting one’s mistake
- Can acknowledge the discomfort when a child asks about sex & still answers the questions
- Create safety for our children to talk openly
- Admit not knowing; and follows up later after learning
- Focus on risk reduction
- Avoid instilling fear and shame
- Find and use outside resources
- Get support
Sex Ed Facts
- “The Talk” is a series of ongoing conversations had throughout one’s childhood.
- Caregivers have to continue these conversations.
- Sex is any behavior engaged in for the purpose of sexual pleasure, this does not always include penetration or direct genital contact.
- Caregivers can be the best sex educators in a child’s life.
- You are teaching your children about sex, whether or not you are talking about it. SIlence can be louder than words.
- Many schools do not cover sex education at all, and none of them cover it fully in each grade level.
- Most schools only teach puberty education.
- Sex education covers so much more that sexual behaviors.
- Sex education should be taught the same regardless of genital configuration, gender, or orientation.
- Pregnancy is only one risk of being sexually active.
- STIs are not always obvious. STIs can be asymptomatic.
- Most STIs are treatable, some are curable.
- “Blue Balls” is a coercion tactic used in rape culture. It is comparable to purity culture’s “stumbling block”.
- Pain during any activity is the body’s way of altering you that something isn’t “right”.
- Non-consensual sex doesn’t exist; it’s called rape.
- Using proper anatomy terms for genitalia helps protect children. Child sexual abuse goes under preported when children use petnames when telling their safe adults about their abuse.
- Most sexual abuse is caused by people the victim/survivor knows and trusts.
- It is never too early to provide age-appropriate sex education.
- It is never too late to start educating your children.
- Teaching children about sex helps them make informed decisions, including waiting to have their debut until they feel ready.
- Nearly half of caregivers wait to talk to their children until they have already been sexually active.
- It is okay to feel awkward when talking about sex with children.
- Sex education does not have to be awkward.
- Telling your children they can “come to you if they ever have questions” is not enough.
- Starting the conversations around topics of sex education helps build the trust and vulnerability for your children to ask their questions.
- Your children will find answers to their questions, and it will not always be accurate, ethical, or healthy sources.
- Your silence unintentionally creates shame and fear.
A Sexually Healthy Adult will:
- Appreciate one’s own body.
- Seek further information about reproduction as needed.
- Affirm that human development includes sexual development, which may or may not include or sexual experience.
- Interact with all genders in respectful and appropriate ways.
- Affirm one’s own sexual orientation and respect the sexual orientation of others.
- Affirm one’s own gender identity and respect the gender identities of others.
- Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways.
- Develop and maintain meaningful relationships.
- Avoid exploitative or manipulative relationships.
- Make informed choices about family options and relationships.
- Exhibit skills that enhance personal relationships.
- Identify and live accordingly according to one’s own behavior.
- Take responsibility for one’s own behavior.
- Practice effective decision-making.
- Develop critical-thinking skills.
- Communicate effectively with family, peers, and romantic partners.
- Enjoy and express one’s sexuality throughout life.
- Express one’s sexuality in ways that are congruent with one’s values.
- Enjoy sexual feelings without necessarily acting on them.
- Discriminate between life-enhancing sexual behaviors and those that are harmful to self and/or others.
- Express one’s sexuality while respecting the rights of others.
- Seek new information to enhance one’s sexuality.
- Engage in sexual relationships that are consensual, non-exploitative, honest, pleasurable, and protected.
- Practice health-promoting behaviors, such as regular check-ups, breast and testicular self-exam, and early identification of potential problems.
- Use contraception effectively to avoid unintended pregnancy.
- Discuss risks of contracting or transmitting a sexually transmitted disease, openly and respectfully.
- Act consistently with one’s own values when dealing with an unintended pregnancy.
- Help prevent sexual abuse.
- Demonstrate respect for people with different sexual values.
- Assess the impact of family, cultural, media, and societal messages on one’s thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors related to sexuality.
- Critically examine the world around them for biases based on gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, and race.
- Promote the rights of all people to accurate sexuality information.
- Avoid behaviors that exhibit prejudice and bigotry.
- Reject stereotypes about sexuality of different populations.
- Educate others about sexuality.
We offer individual coaching for caregivers on how to discuss topics relevant to sexual health. This is a time you can bring questions your children have asked that you do not know the answer to, or simply do not know how to approach answering. We will discuss options on covering a topic, provide you with the most up to date, medically accurate, age-appropriate, and inclusive information. This helps you be the best sex positive parent, the sex educator your children deserve!
Please book a free consultation to see if coaching is the right option for you.